WSA Code of Conduct
All Participants in Wilton Soccer Association programs and members of teams including players, coaches, managers, volunteers and family members shall always abide by this Code Of Conduct. Our goal is to allow our players the opportunity to play in a healthy, respectful and positive environment.
I will always remember that my participation in soccer is an opportunity to grow and have fun.
I will attempt to make a positive effort and impact in every practice and game to the best of my ability.
I will treat coaches, teammates, other players, referees, and spectators with respect.
I will play by the rules at all times.
I will be a positive role model and encourage good sportsmanship from fellow players, coaches, and parents always.
I will exercise self-control, avoid retaliation of any kind in all interactions on and off the field with my teammates, parents, coaches, referees and all others.
I will not use inappropriate language during practices, games or any Wilton Soccer related activities.
I will not bully or haze any teammate or other person involved with our team or club. I will report any bullying or hazing to the coaches, managers or parents.
I will remember that all players have talents and weaknesses, the same as I do. I will never ridicule or yell at any player for making a mistake during a soccer game or during practice.
I will listen to my coaches and do what is asked of me in order to improve my game and my position on the team. If I need to leave a practice or game early, I will inform my coaches in a timely manner.
While sitting on the bench during a game, I will watch the game and support my teammates who are in the game. I will provide only positive comments to the players on the field.
I understand that I am responsible for my uniform and my equipment.
I understand that I must be on time and play my best at all practices and games.
I or my parents will tell one of my coaches or team managers in advance if I cannot attend training, games, or other team events through the TeamSnap availability tab.
I will prioritize my Wilton Soccer Association team in the fall and spring seasons to the best of my ability for the benefit of the team.
I understand that if I violate this Code of Conduct, I may forfeit my opportunity to play and participate.
I will never place the value of winning before the safety and welfare of all players.
I will be a positive role model for players and parents, by consistently acting in a positive, controlled, and mature manner. I will demonstrate good sportsmanship at all times.
I will demonstrate good sportsmanship and maintain a proper perspective on the purpose of soccer, namely, participation is for the enjoyment and benefit of the players (not the adults).
I will know the rules of soccer and help my players to learn them and abide by them at all times.
I will explain to (and remind) parents what is expected of them and their children.
I will provide a positive, enjoyable atmosphere for the players and parents.
I will refrain from open arguments with players, parents, referees and other coaches.
I will encourage parents to support the team with their presence as much as possible, while also expecting that in return.
I will manager players and the team in a FAIR and CONSISTENT manner.
Refrain from making negative comments about other coaches, players, parents, and referees.
Be prepared to deal with injuries in a timely manner by reviewing first aid principles.
I will avoid any activities that could impact my ability to coach my team in a positive manner. I will avoid any activity that could damage the reputation of Wilton Soccer, its players and families and myself.
I will complete my required background check, safety training and other requirements of Wilton Soccer and CJSA to maintain my ability to act as a coach.
I understand that if I violate this Code of Conduct, I may forfeit my opportunity to coach and participate.
Parents/Adults and Fans
Parents are an important part of a players' soccer experience and of a team's success. Parents are an integral part of the Wilton Soccer Association community. As such, parents' behavior on the sideline and support of their child is of the utmost importance. Towards that end, this “contract” outlines what is expected of parents in order to create a positive environment for all players. By allowing your player to accept a spot on a Wilton Soccer Association roster you are accepting the parent contract.
I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, game officials, and administrators at all times.
I will place the emotional and physical well being of all players ahead of any personal desire to win.
I will support the coaches, officials, and administrators working with my child, in order to encourage a positive and enjoyable experience for all.
I will remember that the game is for the players, not for the adults.
I will ask my child to treat other players, coaches, game officials, administrators, and fans with respect.
I will always be positive.
I will always allow the coach to be the only coach.
I will not get into arguments with the opposing team’s parents, players, or coaches.
I will not come onto the field for any reason during the game.
I will not criticize game officials. I will not yell anything to game officials or about game officials at any time.
I shall not possess, consume or distribute before, during or after any game or at any other time at the field and/or game complex alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs or unauthorized prescription drugs.
I will refrain from any activity or conduct that may be detrimental or reflect adversely upon Wilton Soccer Association or its members or its programs.
I will not attempt to recruit players away from Wilton Soccer Association teams to other soccer programs. These considerations and decisions are personal to each family and an attempt to recruit away players could impact and damage a team’s ability to continue forward as a group, impacting all players negatively.
I understand that if I violate this Code of Conduct, I may forfeit my opportunity to have my child participate, to attend practices and games and to be a member of the Wilton Soccer family.
For Players, Coaches, Parents/Adults & Fans:
We hereby agree to uphold CJSA’s ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY and understand that violations will result in repurcussions including the abandonment of matches and removal from the program.
Wilton Soccer Association believes that this Code of Conduct serves every player and constituent to our program. The strength and culture of the program relies upon everyone’s understanding and efforts to uphold these principals. Failure to comply may result in the suspension of your privilege to participate in Wilton Soccer Association sanctioned events. The Wilton Soccer Association Board of Directors will decide upon any penalties or suspensions and decisions will be final.