Important Info Ahead of the Fall 2024 Season

Hi WSA families!

The fall 2024 soccer season is quickly approaching. 

Please read below IMPORTANT INFO carefully and in its entirety.  Please take actions as noted.

  • WSA Code of Conduct:  WSA has memorialized a Code of Conduct HERE.  Your player's participation in the program binds your player, you and your family to this Code.  Please review and share with your player.  Our commitment and respect for the game, our teams, our teammates and each other will make for the best possible experience for all. Please also watch the videos below this message/on this page!

  • Uniforms:  Please review info about uniforms and ordering process HERE.  In the coming days, you will receive an email from "MyUniform" /Soccer & Rugby prompting you to place your uniform orders.  Uniforms are same as last season, so our returning players do not need to order a new kit, but may order replacement components as/if needed. Our new players must order a full uniform kit. The deadline to order uniform and components is August 3rd. Please also note that WSA members receive a discount at Soccer & Rugby on all in store purchases of non-uniform related gear, we recommend taking advantage of this in coming weeks!

  • Wilton Soccer Dustbowl Merch Flash Sale- deadline to order merch is July 26th! Based on overwhelming demand for a beta sale of Dustbowl hats we did this past spring, we have assembled an awesome selection of Wilton Soccer merch from our friends at Dustbowl, the lifestyle brand born on the ball field and founded by Wilton alums and friends of WSA. Fill out this FORM with your orders ASAP! Deadline to indicate orders is July 26th and min quantities in each product must be met to place the eventual batch orders. We will request payment after we receive orders/hit our minimums.

  • Pick Up Soccer and Pre Season Camp (more info/ register HERE). We have 3 more weeks of Pick Up Soccer on Tuesday evenings and Pre Season Camp is schedule for Aug 19-22 and 24th (no camp on Aug 23rd due to "Meet the Teacher Day" for schools). These dates and the times of pre season camp may shift slightly once we get school schedules.  Pre Season Camp is recommended (but is optional) and is a separate fee. 

  • TeamSnap mobile app In coming days, you will receive an invite to join your team on TeamSnap.  This is the single source for all of the most important information for your team and where you should communicate (chat, email and post).  Please look for the email invite, accept, update/re download the app as needed and follow prompts to update your contact/profile information.  TeamSnap contains your team roster, prelim season schedule and messaging features for the entire team to stay in sync.  WSA and Team Managers will update schedules in TeamSnap throughout the season.  Parents should update their player's availability for each WSA event in TeamSnap.  If you were associated with a team last year, please hide/remove your prior season's team(s) from the mobile app by clicking on the drop down menu at very top of the app (next to the team name) and then select “See All Teams” then, “Edit”… click on new team for Fall 2024 and click on the minus (-) sign to hide/remove an old team from prior season(s). The new teams are not yet populated in the app, but will be soon!

  • Practice Schedule:  First practices are the week of August 26th.  TeamSnap, when released, will contain a prelim day/time/location for your team's practices each week. As reminder, WSA Boys teams typically practice on Mon and Thurs and WSA Girls teams practice on Weds and Fri, with a few exceptions due to coach and field considerations. Wherever possible, we try to situate practices immediately after school and take advantage of buses to fields. 

  • Practice Attire: Players should wear WSA practice attire (avail in uniform shop) to all practices. For all soccer events, all players will need a pumped up soccer ball, shin guard under socks, soccer cleats and a water bottle. Players are responsible for all of their gear.

  • Team Parent Meetings hosted by WSA Coaches in advance of season will be added to TeamSnap schedules. These will likely be scheduled during your child’s first week of practice and will be held at the fields. It is required that at least one parent attend this meeting.

  • Parents on Duty ("POD"): PODs attend duration of assigned practices to support coaches and/or players in event of emergency or other situation where another adult may be needed. Each player's family (one parent only needed) will have POD duties a couple of times during the season for their team. POD duties will be assigned by Team Managers in TeamSnap for each event - please check to see if you are on duty. If you can not serve as POD on your assigned day, please swap with a teammate as needed among yourselves.

  • Tournaments: Majority of WSA teams will play a tournament on Labor Day and Columbus Day weekends.  Labor Day tournament is John Jay Tournament in South Salem, NY. Boys teams will play Saturday, Aug 31. Girls teams will play Sunday, Sep 1. Please reserve the day (games usually consume either the morning or the afternoon with full schedules not released until Aug 17 or thereabouts). New teams (2016/U9s) may play an in-town jamboree instead of the Labor Day tournament (decisions/details to be finalized soon).  These prelim dates/tourneys will be in TeamSnap schedules, please indicate your availability ASAP for Labor Day when the app is released to you. When TeamSnap becomes available to you all, we will need all players to confirm their availability for Labor Day tourney asap.

  • League Game Schedules:  first league games are Sun, Sept 8th and continue through early November.  Dates/opponents/home or away info wont be available from our league until end of August (1-2 weeks before the season) as the divisions for all 400+ teams across Fairfield County are assembled and aligned. Game times and fields are confirmed weekly by your team Managers and WSA once the schedule of dates/opponents is released.  You can count on a game each Sunday between 12 noon and 6 PM.  WSA players are expected to prioritize practices and games as their primary sport in the fall season. Any anticipated conflicts should be communicated to your team Manager early and often.

  • Field Set Up Day (Aug 25):  Volunteers needed to assist in field set up for the season (moving goals back into place, securing nets and sandbags, etc).  Field Set Up Day will be Aug 25th from 8-10AM.  This will also be opportunity for Team Managers to refresh or pick up their Manager bags and corner flags for season. 

  • Team Managers Needed!  All teams must have a volunteer parent team manager (ideally two per team).  Team Managers coordinate game schedules, communicate with parents and coaches and ensure the team runs smoothly each season.  If you were a prior manager, you have been automatically re-assigned to manage again (thanks!). New teams need a parent to step up to manage.  Please email if you are able to volunteer to manage your team.

If you have questions on any of the above, please email Coach Dave at  

Thank you! WSA Team


TeamSnap & More


Tryout / Team Formation Update